Here are just a few common tips for anyone who believes they know someone who might be thinking about suicide…


1. Tell a Trusted Adult!
Help your friend find a caring adult to talk to. Suicidal thoughts need to be out in the open in order to be cared for properly

2. Do NOT Promise to Keep Any Secrets
Some kids ask their friends to keep suicidal thoughts a secret. Some even threaten to leave the friendship if an adult is told. NEVER keep a secret like this. You could lose a friend but you might save a life.

3. Never Minimize Talk of Suicide
Some people are made fun of for talking about suicide. Some people are ignored because they think that they just “want attention”. Suicidal talk is very serious and should never be minimized. Tell an adult!

4. Ask your Friend to Promise to Keep Themselves Safe
Most young people keep their word even better than adults do. Ask your friend to promise to not hurt themselves and promise others they will be missed.

5. You Can’t Save A Suicidal Friend All By Yourself
Don’t make it your mission to be the only support for a suicidal friend. They need a larger network of caring people to support them. Encourage them to get out in the company of many and not isolate or keep to themselves!

Taken from our own experiences as well as:

Suicide Intervention Handbook
Living Education Inc.